An integrated school
As an ‘Integrated Area School’, Waikato Waldorf School is part of the New Zealand State education system and is, therefore, partially funded by the Ministry of Education, which pays for some teachers and for the school’s running costs.
An Integrated school must have, by law, a ‘special character’, which is safeguarded in law through our Integration Agreement with the Crown.
Special Character
The Special Character is based on the educational principles of Rudolf Seiner, the founder of the Waldorf School movement.
The school is subject to review by the Education Review Office (ERO) and has a School Board in the same way as other State schools.
Copies of the School Charter and Integration Agreement are available for parents to read in the School Office. A copy of the school’s annual financial report is available here – Annual Report 2022, including Annual aims for 2023.
The School Board
The role of the School Board is ‘governance’ – it ensures that the school is well led and managed. The Board is the employer of the teaching staff and is ultimately responsible for all aspects of the school’s operations, including legal matters.
The School Board is made up of three elected parent representatives, a staff elected representative, up to four members of the Proprietors Trust and the Principal. Elected positions are generally for a term of three years. The Board members elect a chairperson from the parent elected members. The role of the chairperson is to steer the meetings of the Board; to liaise with the Principal on matters where governance and management interact; and to act as spokesperson for the Board.
The Board may also co-opt other persons onto the Board who are deemed to have skills which enhance the Board’s ability to govern. A Co-opted member has the same full voting rights as an elected member.
Board meetings are held at intervals deemed appropriate to ensure the effective governance of the school. These are typically bi-monthly. Board meetings are open public meetings and parents are encouraged to attend and review the minutes of the Board, which are currently held on file in the main office.
At times matters, such as staffing issues, are considered to be confidential and the Board will go ‘into committee’ and only members of the Board who are not directly involved shall be present. A separate set of confidential minutes is recorded in a book which is kept secure for legal reasons.
The Principal’s role is one of day-to-day management and school leadership. The Principal makes the Board’s vision a reality, implements the Board’s policies, and monitors the work of staff towards the achievement of the school’s goals. The Principal manages and assesses delivery of the curriculum and is the staff team leader.
The Proprietors’ Trust/Rudolf Steiner Early Childhood Trust
The Proprietors’ Trust supervises the special character of the school, Miro House Kindergartens and determines from time-to-time what is necessary to preserve and safeguard it. The Proprietors’ Trust owns the school premises and land.
Waikato Waldorf Parent Association (PA)
The Parents Association represents the parent body of the community. The PA assists in raising funds for the School, Kindergartens and Playcircles through the Medieval Carnival and Advent Fair.
All parents who have children at the school, kindergarten or play groups are members of the PA. As a parent, you are invited to join the committee, information about meeting times are in the fortnightly school newsletter.