About Us
Waikato Waldorf School provides an engaging education that affirms children as individuals
Our Journey
Our journey started in 1982 when Olive Hay established the first Steiner kindergarten in Hamilton. Out of this initiative sprang the idea of building a school. But as you can imagine it took time for this seed to grow and it wasn’t until 1996 after a huge drive from a dedicated group of parents and a generous donation of land that our little school was born with its first class of nine students.
The school began to grow and after two years and much hard work the school gained its integration status with the Ministry of Education (MOE).
One of the schools founding principles was that no child should be denied access to this education due to financial circumstances so the school has always run on a donation system (where families can donate money or their time). Through the generosity and commitment of our community the school has flourished. Building additional classrooms until we were able to accommodate Classes 1-7.
There was still a great deal of interest in fulfilling our founding wish of becoming a full high school so in 2013 the school successfully applied for an age range increase for a Class 8 followed by Class 9 in 2019.
A look into our school history…
Last year in 2021, we celebrated our 25th anniversary opening our outdoor classroom and raising funds for our school entrance flow form. We also submitted our application to the MOE for our class range increase to Class 12 (Year 13).
Finally, this year in 2022 the MOE gave us the thumbs up, allowing us to grow our Classes 10, 11 and the 12 over the next three years. This has been a massive undertaking with a great deal of time and effort going into consolidating and developing our existing infrastructure and practices, extending and upgrading buildings and the grounds, deepening our special character and enriching our curriculum.
As well as focusing on our physical environment we have also spent much of our time laying foundations for a well-balanced holistic high school curriculum, providing the New Zealand Steiner Certificate recognised by our own universities and internationally. We are also investing in our staff training and development with the support and strong networks provided by the other Steiner High Schools and the Steiner Fellowship in Aotearoa.
In 2023 and subsequent years, we will be building new classrooms and a community room, repurposing buildings, landscaping and upgrading play areas, so there is still plenty to do.
There are many people that need to be thanked for their invaluable contribution to this very special school. To all our wonderful students and their families. To all the community for its support and generosity in donations, time and faith in Waldorf education and in particular Waikato Waldorf School.
Take a look at our school now…
A little video from our Medieval Carnival in 2023.
Our school started as a community initiative and that pioneering spirit is still alive and well today. Much work is still to be done as we continue to grow our school. But finally, we can provide a full Waldorf education (including our play circle and kindergartens) from birth – 18 years of age, still sharing the same founding vision and values for a deeper and more meaningful education for our future generations.
“In thinking, clarity
In feeling, inwardness.
In will, perseverance”.
Rudolf Steiner