Welcome to Miro House & Playcircle
Providing children with meaningful learning experiences in an environment of love and warmth
Rimu Cottage Play Circle
Kia puāwai koe ki te ao, ka kitea ō painga
So you shall blossom into the world and the world in turn is transformed
Open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9.00am - noon, term time only.
Waldorf/Steiner Play circles work from the developmental principle that young children learn through imitation, active exploration, and play. Our play circle is designed to provide young children with opportunities to explore the world outside their home and familiar environments, together with their parents. Sessions include inside and outside play, morning circle, morning tea and story time.
Physical address:
Rimu Cottage Play Circle
66c Te Manatu Drive
Huntington, Hamilton
Ph: 021 022 88883

Miro House Kindergarten
Ages 3 to 6 years
Miro House is the Waikato’s only Steiner/Waldorf Kindergarten. Offering an education for children aged 3 - 6 years of age.
At 6 years of age the children remain at the kindergarten but are placed on the schools role under a special agreement with the Ministry of Education.
Miro House provides an environment that is unhurried, allowing cildren to develop in time and over time. Children experience an environment that facilitates a sense of wonder, goodness, beauty and truth.
Open Monday – Friday 8.30am to 3pm
Physical Address:
85 Barrington Drive, Huntington, Hamilton 3210
New Zealand
Phone: 07 855 8711
Email: eceprincipal@waikatowaldorf.school.nz
Waldorf 100 years – ‘Becoming’ early childhood video
"Becoming" is the third film in a series of short films produced on the occasion of the centenary of Waldorf Education and provides an insight into the inclusive diversity of Waldorf Education.
No age has a deeper impact on the whole of life than the first years of childhood.
Thanks Trust Waikato for your support keeping our children’s mat time comfortable and warm!