Welcome to Waikato Waldorf High School

Classes 8-10, Years 9-11

Affirming individuality

Educating the whole child – head, heart and hands – within the special corner of the world that is Aotearoa New Zealand, Waikato Waldorf School seeks to develop free human beings, who are able to reflect upon themselves, embrace a love for learning and develop meaningful purpose and directions in their lives. The community, staff and students of the school value goodness, beauty, truth and reverence.

We invite you to explore Waldorf Education, one of the largest and fastest growing independent education movements in the world.

Attend a Journey through the School (click here for more information).

High School Curriculum

Classes 8 to 10 (Years 9-11)

New Zealand Certificate Of Steiner Education (NZCSE)

Waikato Waldorf School offers an alternative high school qualification recognised by universities worldwide. It leads to a formal qualification that opens the door to the next steps in their learning journey.

It protects the special character of our school. You no longer have to β€˜fit’ the education into tick boxes required by other qualifications.

Students work towards achieving the CSE in Classes 10, 11 and 12 (Levels 1, 2 and 3) in Steiner/Waldorf schools throughout the world. This enables students to continue with the full Steiner curriculum and approach, even in the final years of their education.

Schools can assess students at the relevant year level across the full range of learning activities - academic, artistic and movement-based subjects. Level 3 with UE provides university entrance.

The CSE is available in New Zealand, Australia, the UK and Europe and is under active development in other countries.

For more information about NZCSE visit www.sedt.co.nz

An International High School Qualification for Steiner Schools


Learn about the enrolment process and get in touch