Get Involved
There are a number of ways you can get involved here at
Waikato Waldorf.
Craft Group
The Craft Group creates beautiful handmade items which are sold at community fundraising events. The group meets in the school hall on Wednesday mornings during term time. All are welcome, from expert crafters to complete novices. The group also runs occasional evening workshops throughout the year, teaching handwork skills.
Parents Association
A parents group for holding exciting fundraisers and smaller scale relaxed school community events. The PA events benefit the school community.
Medieval Carnival
The Medieval Carnival is a successful fundraiser and awareness generator for the school community. The period themed event has:
health well-being
wholesome organic foods
PA Meetings: Occur on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm in the Community Room.
Get Involved
Come to a monthly meeting and say hi!
Woodwork Group
The Woodwork Group holds regular evening sessions in the school workshop to create items for fundraising events such as the community’s annual Medieval Carnival and Advent Fair. New members are welcome, regardless of skill level.
Parent Education/Entertainment
The community frequently hosts speakers who address the community on a variety of topics. As well as public lectures, there are opportunities to join study groups. The school has hosted numerous musical and dramatic performances over the years.
“A healthy social life is found only when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds it’s reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living.”
Rudolf Steiner