Te Akomanga Tuatahi

Class One

“I am”

The developmental aspect may be referred to as ‘Dreaming and Earthing’. Not yet fully aware of themselves as separate individualities, or that others are separate and unique individuals, the child relates to the world as it affects them. Their immediate response will come from their own sense of comfort or discomfort – ease or unease. The seven‑year‑old wishes to know that the word is beautiful, that the adults know what is right and good and will look after their needs. Children of this age can love easily and will wish to please those they love.

The Task

Learning to become social, to ‘do’ with others, to experience themselves as part of a group, to take turns and to respect others’ needs and abilities. To look into their immediate environment and, through imaginative pictures, begin to develop a respect for, and understanding of, the world of nature. Through the imagination to make a feeling connection with the more abstract concepts that accompany our daily lives – beginning with writing, early reading skills and number recognition and computation.

Fairy Tales are pre‑earth history, human psychology, human development and a bridge between heaven and earth. All lessons are linked with these stories and the children are encouraged to live and learn imaginatively.

  • Fairy Tales

  • Form drawing

    Speaking, Writing, Reading


    Home Surroundings


  • Visual Art – Drawing, Painting, and Crafts

    Music – Singing, Recorders, Rhythm making

    Drama – Puppets, Plays

    Movement – Dancing, Ring Games, Skipping, Ball Skills, Balance, Games, Swimming

    Eurythmy – Circle Exercises

    Handwork – Finger Knitting, Knitting

    Maori – Waiata, Te Reo

    Nature Walks

“He waka eke noa.”

“A waka which we are all in with no exception.”